Here are answers to frequently asked questions.
How do I sign up for BARNLEK 2023?
The most common thing is that you go to BARNLEK with your local dance group. You need to travel with a responsible leader but it doesn’t have to be a specific group that practice together regularly.
Where is BARNLEK 2023?
In 2023, BARNLEK is in Lerum north of Gothenburg in Västergötland in Sweden. Most of the activities will take place at Lerums arena. Accommodation takes place at that school and at other schools around Lerum.
Who can come to BARNLEK 2023?
BARNLEK is aimed at children and young people aged 8-16. If younger children are included in the group they are welcome but the activities are not adapted for that age. If you are older you can join as a musician or a group leader for instance.
What is a co-dance?
Before each BARNLEK, each of the Nordic countries choose a dance to represent their country. These co-dances can then be learned by the groups. The co-dances will be used during the festival. Dances from the different Nordic countries have many similarities but also differences, which is clearly evident during a festival where dances from the traditions of the different countries are taught. The co-dances are recorded beforehand and you find the instructions, music and video in the main menue co-dances and songs.
How do I travel to Lerum?
We have gathered information on how to get to Lerum on the page: Travelling to and from Lerum
How are we accommodated during BARNLEK 2023?
The accommodation will be in classrooms on the floors. You need to bring a sleeping mat or air mattress, pillow, bedding/sleeping bag and soft toys for your own use. Showers can be found at the school you live in or at the arenal. It will also be possible to shower at Lerums arena where most of the activities take place.
Read more about Lerums arena
Please give some information on where my child can learn these wonderful dances?
Below is a list of the organizations that are affiliated with Nordlek within each country. Get in touch with the organization, district or association closest to you to start dancing folk dance right now.
See for all groups affiliated with Nordlek.
Danske Gymnastik- og Idrætsforeninger
Finlands Svenska Spelmansförbund
Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät
Suomen Nuorisoseurat
Ilulissat Kalattuuat 91
Finlandssvenskarnas Riksförbund i Sverige
Riksföreningen för Folkmusik och Dans
Folkdansarna på Åland
Do I have to dance in a group that is affiliated with Nordlek to go to BARNLEK 2023?
BARNLEK if first and foremost aimed at children and young people connected to Nordlek. Feel free to look for an association nearby that you can join.
Children and young people who are not connected to Nordlek may participate if possible. Should the festival be filled, participants in associations connected to Nordlek have priority over participants who are not.
Participants who are members of a national organization are usually insured through this. If you are a participant without such insurance or not a member of a national organization, you are still covered by the Svenska folkdansringen’s insurance.
Why should I go to BARNLEK 2023?
You should go to BARNLEK 2023 to dance Nordic folk dances for several days together with other young people from all over the Nordic region. To make new friends. To learn new dances. To visit another place and travel away with your group. Because it's so fun!
More questions?
Do you have more questions? Send us an email, the addresses can be found under Contact, or write a message to us on Instagram or Facebook.